This year has been a very eventful one for me...
I turned 18. We had a Rock Band party and tons of food. Everyone left saying they had a good time. Marissa helped organize it and made sure I had my own little birthday crown, it even had flashing lights on it. Alli's mom made my birthday cake for me which later for smashed up my nose along with a candle because my friends thought it would be funny to smash my face in it... three times.
In February, I tore my ACL... Ya, that was a bummer.
I got to wear a brace for it that was the length of my leg and later Nick's old one that was a lot more convenient. I wore the little brace until my surgery in May.
I tried out for Manson Apple Blossom, and was selected Princess along with Marci Nelson. Kelsey Harding for Queen. Our escorts were Osbaldo Escoto (mine), Pedro Magana (Marci's), and Graham Thomas (Kelsey's).This kept our schedules busy the rest of our senior year. We visited random clubs, guilds, meetings and parades. It was a ton of fun and I am happy I didn't take my parents's $500 offer to not do it. The 30th of this month is Apple Blossom selection and I am not exciting to give it up. I tried on my dress though and it fits! So I just have to stay this size for another month and I will be fine.
The blankets were made by Aunt Alice. I have slept with mine everyday while at college.
Also in February I found out that I was accepted to BYU Provo, like I wanted. But... I had to start in the summer (2 weeks after grad) or wait until winter. I chose Summer....
I graduated in June. The week of graduation I found out that I was awarded the Marine Scholar Athlete and the Army Student Athlete along with many other scholarships. On graduation I found out that I was also awarded the Mel Steele Award and Scholarship, which I was really happy to be given.
This is at our senior awards night... longest one I have ever been to.. We got just a little bored.
I then drove down to Provo, UT with my parents to go to school. Nick showed me around campus and gave me his "tips." I guess they helped because I made it through my first semester.
I then headed home for a couple weeks before going back down for Fall semester. I was in a bowling class with Nick, was part of the biggest game of capture the flag every reported, I was on the winning team of the biggest game of capture the flag ever recorded, moved to Wyview where I could have a kitchen, had Bronte visit and lots more that I don't feel like typing right now...
I finished this year with volunteering for a coaching position for Jr. Jazz. I am coaching 3rd and 4th grade girls and so far things are going good.
We held a New Years party here. We had Rock Band (I just noticed that I started the year with Rock Band and ended with it..) and Wii going. Marissa forgot about breakfast at midnight until almost everyone was gone. It was a really fun party.
For 2010, I am going to be busy with school, work, applying for the nursing program at BYU... I am planning on getting another job along with my waitressing job at Lake Chelan Winery and I also want to do some volunteer work at the hospital. I am excited to be home for summer because summer 09 was just a little too hard to be away..
Happy New Year!
Wow what an incredible year you had. Love you!
Yeah! Two in two days! I'm proud of you, and now that you've set the precedent I'll expect more of the same!
Good job, lil' one.
Nice summary. You've been a busy girl.
It sounds like your positives way outweighed the negatives. I hope 2010 is even better!
We sure enjoyed having you around here this past summer and fall. You've had quite a year.
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