Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Great Discovery

I finally made my way to Winco.  It is amazing.  My favorite, of course, was the section where they have all kinds of stuff you can bag yourself. My favorite- chocolate covered almonds.  This picture helps explain the love I have for them:

Can you imagine my excitement when I realized I could take all I wanted and didn't have to settle for a Costco container? Too bad I didn't get very much though... I didn't realize how cheap it was! 
I can't wait to go back!


Grappy Dale said...

So glad you found so much joy in your discovery. Now, how about discovering something in your text books???

Grammy Rae said...

Sad, sad, sad. I guess I can take solace in the fact that you are happy.

Grappy Dale said...

Is that the same fake smile Rock has???

Shannon said...

What's a winco? If it has self-serve sweets, I need to go when I come to Provo!

sherry said...

Yea...what is winco?

The Ascanios said...

It's the best store! You can get all sorts of things in bulk that you get to package yourself. I think that's why I like it so much. haha