Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love my sleep.

I am a person who enjoys her sleep. Who loves sleeping in as late as possible and does not like being woken up before her alarm. Last semester I had to take a 9 am class and could barely stay awake through the whole thing. My roommate has a 7 am class this semester while I have 10 am on three days and on Tuesday and Thursday I don't have class until 1 or later. It gives me plenty of time to sleep in, get some studying in and take a nap. My perfect schedule. I think about my roommate and how bad I would be at having a 7 am class. I would probably sleep through my alarm, fall asleep in class or be so tired that I wouldn't be able to focus. Not to mention look like crap because I would not wake up early enough to take a shower and attempt to look cute.
But lucky me. Next semester I have to take Exploration of Teaching. There is only one class offered. At 7 am. For four hours. Monday through Friday. Awesome, huh?


Shannon said...

Just keep telling yourself "it's 3 p.m. in Paris! :)

Aaron said...

Now I know who to have Rock call when he wakes up at 6 am.

Grammy Rae said...

You could start practicing now.

Grappy Dale said...

I've seen you at 7am...you may want to change your whole biological clock from am to pm.

sherry said...

Wow Whitni. I am with you. I would love to sleep in until my body wants to wake up not when the alarm tells me I have to.