Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Not So Spring Springtime

It has been freezing lately.  But now, it is starting to warm up! Spring is finally here.

In the time that I have last blogged I have finished Winter semester, signed up for a training to be a domestic violence volunteer, started Spring term, already taken two anatomy lab quizzes, started training to be a volunteer, signed up for a CNA program, had dad visit :), picked up Shannon Toolson from the airport and had a great conversation with her, made Easter baskets for Javier, Pepe, Junior, Zach and Brock, said goodbye to Kyle Richardson for two years and all my other friends who went home for the summer.

Check out Marissa's blog and Nick's blog to read more about some of that.  Their pictures: courtesy of me.

It has been super busy.  Busier than I expected.  Monday through Thursday I have at least four hours (two of lecture and two of lab) about the human body.  Thankfully I love my anatomy lab TA's (my lecture TA is Jessica Coleman, love her too!) and my physiology lab group and graders (suuuper relaxed).

We are on a kickball team that should be pretty fun.  Marissa and I missed the first game for training to be volunteers.  Tomorrow night we have a Cinco de Mayo party!!! Super pumped for that.  Saturday we are going hiking and have our second kickball game.  I'll let ya know how all that goes and post real pictures of how things are going down here in Provo (our internet doesn't work and I always forget when I have my laptop where there is internet).  Soon. I promise.


Grammy Rae said...

Thanks for the quick update. Love you, see you real soon!

Shannon said...

Thanks so much for picking me up! I loved having the time to chat with you and hear about all of your adventures. Have a great Cinco de Mayo fest!