Saturday, August 7, 2010

Harry Potter and DW

Since my mom documented each day while in Florida, I will just say my favorite parts to each day.
Day 1:
Seeing Lindsea!!! Downtown Disney was pretty sweet but seeing Lindsea was the main part of the entire trip.

Day 2: 
I was sooo excited about butter beers. They were DELICIOUS! I am definitely going to make them sometime. 

I want to go back when it isn't so busy so we can check out the other stores. But the Harry Potter ride was the SCARIEST ride I have ever been on. Not because it was fast or had sudden drops. It had WAY too many spiders!!! 

Fantasmic made me want to watch all the Disney movies over again.

Day 3:
This might have been my favorite day. Segways and pearls. When Lindsea told me about Japan in Epcot and how you can pick out your own oyster to get a pearl, I have been so anxious to pick my own out. I am in love with pearls and was perfectly happy with my cute little pearl. I can't wait to get a real chain to put my pearl on. 

Also, La Nouba was one of the coolest things I have ever watched. Most definitely a must see.
Day 4: 
I love the beach! Besides the feet burning sand, the beach was exactly what we needed after the two busy days. On our way home we stopped at Burger King. I ordered Funnel Cake Sticks. SO good and I have been craving them ever since. Having naps after this day felt so good. 

Helping mom find her new swimwear for Hawaii was so much fun. We loved picking out stuff for her.
Day 5:
I was kinda sad that we couldn't experience the 7 pm sacrament meeting. But oh well. It was still cool to check out her ward, and the guy that Lindsea wants to hook me up with. 

The trip was a success and I loved every minute of it. Thanks Linds, Travis and Sarah for hooking us up with all the discounts and free stuff!


Grappy Dale said...

You guys look like you are having quite the time. Did Ma tell you she got a pearl out of a clam here??? Wait, I was the one shelling out the clams for the oyster thingy.

sherry said...

Glad you had fun Whit!

Lindsea said...

I can't wait for the Girl Trip Part 2! There are a lot of things we didn't get to do while you were here, but I'm glad we were able to do so much! I loved seeing you!

Shannon said...

You are such a lucky girl - the trip is nice, but having such an awesome family to share it with is the best! And thanks for the warning about the spiders... I will probably spend the entire ride with my eyes closed (when we get to go)!

Lindsea said...

I would've thought the scariest ride you went on was behind me on the motorcycle, lol :)