Friday, July 15, 2011

Am I done yet?

Don't worry. I'm still alive. It has been a very long two weeks but Monday is the last of my CNA program. I'll tell stories then.

In the meantime, I have been in a country craze lately so you can enjoy these videos of songs that I love right now. :)


Grappy Dale said...

Great blog on your life. Didn't know it boiled down to country songs...not that I'm surprised.

Christallion said...

No offense, Whit...but I am disappointed in this blog post. I guess I'll just wait for the stories.

Kelli said...

Whit, it was so fun to see you while we were out there! The boys are still talking about their cousin Whitni who gave them special gummy bears in the bottom of their shaved ice!

Grammy Rae said...

I'm glad you are enjoying some good music.

Shannon said...

Hang in there - good music always helps!